Hides, Horns & Skulls
Authentic Texas Longhorn Skulls range in Price from $225 to $800+
Our Hides come from Texas and are Hand picked Priced at $600
Mounted Horns Priced from $390
Give us a Call for availability @ 519-247-3644



The Texas Longhorn
Preserving a Legend
The Texas Longhorn breed originated in Spain and was introduced to North America in 1493 by Christopher Columbus. The Texas Longhorn became the end product of “survival of the fittest”, as they can go incredible distances without water, rustle their own food, fend for themselves, swim rivers, survive desert sun and winter snows. It was from these cattle that the romantic legends of the Western Cowboy grew.
Having helped shape a nation, the lean Longhorn fell into disrepute in the late 19th century.
In 1927 the US Congress set up a federal herd of purebred Longhorns at the Witchita Mountains Wildlife Refuge near Cache, Oklahoma and it was from these cattle that many of our Cahill Ranch cows descended.
Ranchers are looking again at the Longhorn and rediscovering a “genetic gold mine” for the beef/cattle industry. Realizing that this is the true bred proven through the centuries to excel without high priced grains, and with genes strongly fixed by nature for high fertility, disease and parasite resistance, easy calving, hardiness, adaptability and longevity. A breed that has established its own character and uniqueness.